An apple tree, Cinco de Mayo, and Windy in the Park

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Vivian and I recovering from another long, fun-filled weekend, and we managed to include Hannah in almost all of it. It started off with digging a giant hole in our backyard and planting an apple tree in the corner section next to our fence. It’s an “oliver” variety with blossoms already blooming, so we just might get an apple or two this season. That would be exciting.

We decided to drop by Jitterbugs Night Out with Hannah that evening and got to see our friend Kirsten’s new (three-month-old) baby Ariadne, so our night of dancing was full of baby goodness. Of course, Vivian and I had plenty of time to dance while Hannah was busy being held by Enrique and Marilou while slowly falling asleep.

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On Saturday — Cinco de Mayo — Vivian and I took Hannah on up to South Omaha see her first parade. The usual cast of characters participated in the parade — festive costumes, dancing horses, lassoers, pimped-out cars, churches, drill teams, and for some reason, Scotsmen. There was also the usual glob of politicians such as Congressman Lee Terry and Omaha Mayor Jim Suttle (who was greeted with stony silence and plenty of room behind him). Bob Kerrey was in the parade as well, happily reminding everyone who he was after an extended leave of absence teaching in New York City. He asked me to take a picture of him with a complete stranger and email it to her after the parade. (Her address was unfortunately eaten by my Android phone, so I hope she somehow finds this photo herself via Google or something).

It was a fun parade, as usual, though the hot, humid weather left the crowd sweating and moving inch-by-inch to stay in the shade. I grabbed some tasty seviche from a food truck, which managed to cool Vivian and me down a bit before the parade wrapped up. The food continued that evening with a giant plate of enchiladas, courtesy of Vivian.

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The weather couldn’t have been more different on Sunday afternoon, when a cold front pushed its way through with a smattering of thunder and lightning. It left us with a cool afternoon and gale-force winds coming out of nowhere — perfect weather for an outdoor dance! A bunch of our Jitterbug friends came to join us in Papillion City Park for our own “Windy in the Park” event. Dan and Cliff were kind enough to supply music through their two “Tailgater” sound systems, and we had over 20 people show up to dance, including Vivian’s mom and dad. (Naturally, I got to dance with both grandma and grandbaby.) Vittles were also passed around courtesy of Cliff and Lisa. We had plenty of dancing, a shim sham, random goofiness from the ladies (and the guys). It was also Hannah’s first “Lindy in the Park” experience, though she spent her time just being insufferably cute.

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